Monday, 14 May 2018

Mrs Justice Lang - moronic judgement on homeless East Europeans

If I was homeless and sleeping rough in a foreign country and one night someone touched me on the shoulder and said  -I've got good news for you - we will pay for you to go back home to the bosom of your family -well I would be bloody grateful. Not apparently though if you hail from Eastern Europe.  They complained that us paying for them to go home to a nice warm bed  breached- 'you've guessed it - both their human rights and their rights under 'free movement of people' within the EU.

Something called the 'Public Interest Law Unit (PILU) of the Lambeth Law Centre - which says on it's web site that  "it is particularly interested in using law as part of the process to effect social change through test cases" and is - yes -you've guessed it again -funded by us - the poor bloody tax payer - through Legal Aid -decided to take up their case  and went to court.

Luckily for them they found themselves in front of a particularly moronic judge -of which there are -alas - all too many - called Mrs Justice Lang who decided -yes the poor rough sleepers had had their human rights and their rights of free movement abused and  yes - they should all receive large dollops of Tax payers money - for their supposed pain and suffering -£10,000 for one Lithuanian so far!

You can't make it up. But Mrs Justice Lang said in her judgement that "rough sleeping even accompanied by low level offending such as begging and drinking in a public space should not be grounds for removal." Sadly I don't have her address to give out nor that of Paul Heron a socialist and founder of the PILU.  Because wouldn't it be fun to recruit a gang of homeless and bribe them to set up camp on the doorsteps of both these people and let them really enjoy the results of their stupidity.


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