Every landowner learns one lesson -or certainly should learn one lesson -that you will never ever be thanked. Do someone a good turn by all means but don't expect thanks on this earth for it .
Judging by Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe's petulant outburst this holds good for Foreign Secretaries too. She complains that it has taken six years for her release on trumped up charges to be arranged and thinks it ought to have been done almost at once. She doesn't of course explain how her release could have been secured so speedily without paying out the blackmail money demanded. Nor does she seem to consider that if the Foreign Office coughed up every time a British citizen was imprisoned then no British Citizen would ever be safe visiting dodgy countries. Nor does she think that she has any responsibility for her own stupidity in visiting her parents in a country hardly renowned for its respect for the Rule of Law.